Before moving in:

The original floor plan for my house only had 1 sink, we paid extra to have the bathroom extended with another sink. Since this bathroom would be used by all my kids. I am so glad that we did! (even though it made my walk in closet smaller by doing so)
The kids each have their own cup that their own toothbrush and paste goes in! This solved so many tooth brushing dilemmas! When it's bed time and kids are already tired to begin with they would have a hard time sharing so they each get their own! They love to pick out their own paste and they are responsible for putting it back in their cup when done as well as cleaning up the counter. Bradley also has a matching cup with his name and baby tooth paste and tooth brush in it! I bought the letters from Target in the scrapbook/sticker isle and used mod podge to seal them on.
(again, phone picture, sorry it's blurry)

I was so excited that I FINALLY, after years of searching, found wall décor that I loved!! These were all bought from Gordmans! (LOVE that store!)
The colors blended with the monkey's perfectly! How great is my "Moms Rules" canvas?

AND the back of the bathroom door holds all the hair accessories: I just used a mesh over the door shoe organizer and cut it a little shorter to hold all the clips! It's usually organized by color.
Close up, they clip right on through the mesh pocket or go in the pocket! Ive had this for years and it is still working perfectly!!
The original floor plan for my house only had 1 sink, we paid extra to have the bathroom extended with another sink. Since this bathroom would be used by all my kids. I am so glad that we did! (even though it made my walk in closet smaller by doing so)
I fell in love with this Monkey décor from Target years ago! It's lasted and is all in good shape still! We've moved three times since having it all but I was never able to find wall décor to match the monkeys with out using pictures or anything with actual Monkeys. I felt that would be too much or might clash. (pictures from cell phone - sorry for the bad quality)
The kids each have their own cup that their own toothbrush and paste goes in! This solved so many tooth brushing dilemmas! When it's bed time and kids are already tired to begin with they would have a hard time sharing so they each get their own! They love to pick out their own paste and they are responsible for putting it back in their cup when done as well as cleaning up the counter. Bradley also has a matching cup with his name and baby tooth paste and tooth brush in it! I bought the letters from Target in the scrapbook/sticker isle and used mod podge to seal them on.
(again, phone picture, sorry it's blurry)
The Bathroom WITH added wall décor:
The floor: Just added two rugs and a step stool because my counters are too high for the kids.
I was so excited that I FINALLY, after years of searching, found wall décor that I loved!! These were all bought from Gordmans! (LOVE that store!)
The colors blended with the monkey's perfectly! How great is my "Moms Rules" canvas?
AND the back of the bathroom door holds all the hair accessories: I just used a mesh over the door shoe organizer and cut it a little shorter to hold all the clips! It's usually organized by color.
Close up, they clip right on through the mesh pocket or go in the pocket! Ive had this for years and it is still working perfectly!!